papiNet SNC is the governing body of papiNet Europe
- Build and maintain the papiNet standard for electronic trade within the paper and forest products industry.
- Encourage and facilitate implementation of the standard through supporting tools and guidelines, market segment implementation groups, and related publicity.
- Borge Teigland, Norske Skog
- Niklas Danell, Holmen
- Oliver Narten, Sappi
- Erasmus Pachta, MM Board & Paper
- Per Hammarstrom, Stora Enso (Chairperson)
- Timo Tyynila, UPM-Kymmene
- Matti Muilu, Metsä Group
- Jens Nordenberg, Biometria
- Karl Rodax, Prinzhorn
- Dag Ygdevik, Södra
- Damiano Anselmi, Burgo